De belangrijkste activiteiten van Stichting WJM zijn:

Wij ondersteunen jongeren in Rotterdam-Middelland met diverse projecten.

A group of young people is gathered outdoors with a large building in the background. One person is sitting on a stone holding a cardboard sign that reads 'OUR FUTURE IS ON THE LINE.' The atmosphere appears calm and sunny, with some trees in the blurred background.
A group of young people is gathered outdoors with a large building in the background. One person is sitting on a stone holding a cardboard sign that reads 'OUR FUTURE IS ON THE LINE.' The atmosphere appears calm and sunny, with some trees in the blurred background.

Begeleiding en Coaching:

  • Persoonlijke begeleiding: WJM biedt jongeren individuele begeleiding en coaching om hen te helpen met persoonlijke ontwikkeling, het vinden van hun passie, en het maken van belangrijke levenskeuzes, zoals studie- of werkkeuzes.

  • Ondersteuning bij maatschappelijke participatie: De stichting helpt jongeren bij het verbeteren van hun sociale vaardigheden en betrokkenheid bij de wijk. Dit kan onder andere door deelname aan vrijwilligerswerk of buurtprojecten.

A group of young people are gathered around an outdoor setting with trees and some sort of overhead shelter. Three individuals are the focus, dressed in dark hoodies and interacting playfully with fabric or a hammock. Their expressions suggest amusement and camaraderie. Others in the background appear to be engaged in conversations or walking, hinting at a lively atmosphere.
A group of young people are gathered around an outdoor setting with trees and some sort of overhead shelter. Three individuals are the focus, dressed in dark hoodies and interacting playfully with fabric or a hammock. Their expressions suggest amusement and camaraderie. Others in the background appear to be engaged in conversations or walking, hinting at a lively atmosphere.

Onderwijs- en Werkbegeleiding:

  • Huiswerkbegeleiding: WJM biedt ondersteuning bij schoolwerk, zodat jongeren hun studieprestaties kunnen verbeteren en hun kansen op een goede toekomst vergroten.

  • Carrièrebegeleiding: De stichting helpt jongeren bij het vinden van werk of stageplaatsen. Dit kan door middel van zakgeld- & participatieprojecten, sollicitatietrainingen, en het helpen zoeken naar geschikte vacatures of opleidingsmogelijkheden.

A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.
A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.

Sociale Activiteiten en Integratie:

  • Sport en cultuur: WJM organiseert allerlei sociale, culturele en sportieve activiteiten, zoals sporttoernooien, workshops en evenementen die jongeren de kans bieden om hun talenten te ontwikkelen en nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten.

  • Buurtprojecten en participatie: De stichting betrekt jongeren actief bij het organiseren van projecten in de wijk Middelland, wat hen niet alleen helpt om een netwerk op te bouwen, maar ook bijdraagt aan hun sociale integratie en verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel.

Preventie van Risicogedrag:

WJM richt zich ook op preventie van risicogedrag zoals jeugdcriminaliteit, drugsgebruik en andere vormen van sociaal onwenselijk gedrag. Dit gebeurt door jongeren actief te betrekken bij positieve activiteiten en door hen te voorzien van informatie en begeleiding die hen helpt om gezonde keuzes te maken.

A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.
A group of young people are playing basketball on an outdoor court with a backdrop of a graffiti-covered wall. One player is jumping to shoot the basketball into the hoop, while others are standing around watching and participating. The scene captures movement and energy in a casual, urban setting.

Mentale Gezondheid en Welzijn:

Netwerken en Samenwerking:

De stichting werkt nauw samen met andere organisaties, zoals scholen, buurtcentra, de gemeente Rotterdam en maatschappelijke instanties om de jongeren van Middelland een breder netwerk van ondersteuning te bieden. Dit helpt de jongeren niet alleen in hun persoonlijke ontwikkeling, maar ook bij het versterken van hun positie in de wijk en de maatschappij

WJM biedt een luisterend oor en begeleiding voor jongeren die kampen met emotionele of psychische problemen. Dit kan door middel van individuele gesprekken of door jongeren door te verwijzen naar professionele hulpverleners indien nodig.